Further Reading

CT History and Technology Siemens

CT Physics Computed Tomography Health Science Center

What is CT MRI Angiography?

What is CT Angiography?

CT (computed tomography) angiography (CTA) is an examination that uses x-rays to visualize blood flow in arterial and venous vessels throughout the body, from arteries serving the brain to those bringing blood to the lungs, kidneys, and arms and legs. CT combines the use of x-rays with computerized analysis of the images. Beams of x-rays are passed from a rotating device through the area of interest in the patient's body from several different angles to create cross-sectional images, which then are assembled by computer into a three-dimensional picture of the area being studied. Compared to catheter angiography, which involves placing a sizable catheter and injecting contrast material into a large artery or vein, CTA is a much less invasive and more patient-friendly procedure—contrast material is injected into a small peripheral vein by using a small needle or catheter. This type of exam has been used to screen large numbers of individuals for arterial disease. Most patients undergo CT angiography without being admitted to a hospital.

CT can also be used to Detect:

CTA is also used to detect narrowing or obstruction of arteries in the pelvis and in the carotid arteries,which bring blood from the heart to the brain. When a stent has been placed to restore blood flow in a diseased artery, CTA will show whether it is serving its purpose. Examining arteries in the brain may help reach a correct diagnosis in patients who complain of headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears or fainting. Injured patients may benefit from CTA if there is a possibility that one or more arteries have been damaged. In patients with a tumor, it may be helpful for the surgeon to know the details of arteries feeding the growth.

What are some common uses of a CT procedure?

CT angiography is used to examine blood vessels in key areas of the body, including the:

CTA is commonly used to:

How should I prepare for a CT procedure -

How should I prepare for the procedure?
Depending on the part of the body to be examined, you may be asked to take only clear liquids by mouth before CTA. You may be asked whether you have asthma or any allergies to foods or drugs, and what medications you are currently taking. If you are pregnant, you should inform the technologist before the procedure. You probably will not have to undress if you are undergoing an exam of the head, neck, arms or legs but you will have to remove any jewelry, hair clips, dentures and the like that could show up on the x-rays and make them hard to interpret