Physician Services
Global Diagnostic Imaging can develop a customized program that offers you better control over patient treatment plans. Services we perform:
Physician Services
Image Interpretation Services

Image Center Development

Training Services

Research Protocol Assistance

3D Post Process / Virtual Lab

Global Diagnostic Imaging can develop a customized program that offers you better control over patient treatment plans. Services we perform:
Whether your project involves the complex interpretation of new image modalities, resource planning, image center development, medical billing, the implementation and customization of a new technology, or simply an upgrade of your current network, Global Diagnostic Imaging provides you with the depth, breadth and flexibility you need to support your strategies
Global Diagnostic Imaging Report Samples

Let Us Help You Succeed

Whether your project involves the complex interpretation of new image modalities, resource planning, image center development, medical billing, the implementation and customization of a new technology, or simply an upgrade of your current network.

Global Diagnostic Imaging provides you with the depth, breadth and flexibility you need to support your strategies and make it a Success!

Further Reading

Atoms to Visualization FASEB

CT Physics Computed Tomography Health Science Center

How Can I Live With Heart Failure? American Heart Association

What is Atrial Fibrillation? American Heart Association

What is an Arrhythmia? American Heart Association

GDI Report Examples - Custom reports designed for their specific dignostic capacity to provide exam detail and clinical results
Ankle-Brachial Index - (ABI) result is used to predict the severity of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
Intima-Medial Thickness -(IMT), also called intimal medial thickness, is a measurement of the thickness of artery walls to track the progression of atherosclerotic disease.
Framingham Risk - Framingham coronary prediction algorithm provides estimates of total CHD risk.
Information for Physicians
Welcome to Global Diagnostic Imaging's resource page for physicians. At Global Diagnostic Imaging, we support physicians’ commitment to providing the best possible care for their patients. From this page, physicians can access information to help them meet today’s health care challenges.
Our Team of Physicians
The American Heart Association estimates that over 80 million people in the United States have some form of cardiovascular disease, and it claims the lives of almost 1-million per year.
A physician’s role in the diagnosis and treatment of patient conditions is crucial, and with Global Diagnostic Imaging's Program, we assist hospitals, offices, labs and primary care physicians across the country with analysis and implementation of diagnostic imaging for their patients.
Global Diagnostic Imaging Physicians
Global Diagnostic Imaging has a team of medical imaging specialists who devote themselves to bringing the best evidence .
based medicine to patients. through physicians like you. Their goal is to help you separate wellness from disease enabling you to treat diseased hearts with the best cardiovascular care.
View Our Team